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Please Sign and Share This Petition
Regardless of whether you have a sprawling backyard or reside in a compact apartment in the city, each one of us can contribute to the solution for climate change.
To combat climate change, we must not only curb emissions but also address the excessive carbon dioxide already heating our environment. To halt the warming of our planet, drawing down this carbon is crucial.
Fortunately, there is a silver lining. Gardening has the remarkable ability to revitalize the health of the soil, enabling it to capture carbon from the atmosphere and mitigate the impacts of climate change.
This is what spurred Green America to initiate the Climate Victory Gardens initiative, taking inspiration from the victory gardening movement during WWI and WWII, during which 20 million gardeners were responsible for producing 40% of the fresh fruits and vegetables consumed in the USA.
Everyone is capable of starting a Climate Victory Garden, cultivating not just food but also habitats for pollinators and fostering healthy soils. We advocate for gardening practices that steer clear of detrimental herbicides and pesticides, petrochemical fertilizers, and emphasize methods like no-till farming and biodiversity.
No matter where you find yourself in your gardening journey, we invite you to join our endeavor. Through collective learning and action, Climate Victory Gardeners nationwide (and globally) possess the ability to significantly influence the direction of the climate crisis.
Enroll today to plant a Climate Victory Garden with Green America and discover more. Together, we can turn the tide on climate change, one garden at a time.
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