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Please Sign and Share This Petition
Please sign this petition to demonstrate to the Faroe Islands that the international community stands firmly against this brutal slaughter. Address this appeal to the Prime Minister of the Faroe Islands.
Thousands of signatures have already been personally presented to the Faroe Islands Government. Let your voice be heard in this petition and maintain the pressure until this brutal whale slaughter is prohibited.
Every year, hundreds of pilot whales are brutally killed in the Faroe Islands, a small archipelago located north of Europe. Local men mobilize boats to herd these creatures into a fjord, using nets to prevent their escape back to the sea. The whales either beach themselves or are hauled ashore with a blunt hook inserted into their blowholes. Once stranded and defenseless, these whales are killed by severing their spinal cords and major blood vessels. This agonizing process can take up to three and a half minutes before the whale finally dies. Apart from pilot whales, several dolphin species also fall victim to these same cruel methods.
In the past, due to the challenging climate which made it difficult to cultivate food on the Faroe Islands, the meat and blubber of these marine creatures served as an integral part of the Faroese diet. However, despite the modern abundance and diversity in their food supply, the ruthless hunts of whales and dolphins persist, largely under the guise of 'tradition'.
Please sign the petition
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